Spiritual Practices & Beliefs
Our Spiritual Practices
As a Christian community we aspire to practice the virtues of: peace, justice, reconciliation, honesty, authenticity, truthfulness, persistence, love, compassion, equity, unity, openness, hospitality, perseverance, generosity, acceptance, inclusiveness, forgiveness, grace, mercy, resilience, kindness, patience, integrity, humility, endurance, balance, and wholeness. We acknowledge that the spiritual journey is a lifetime of progress in and not perfection of these practices.
As a Christian community we aspire to practice the virtues of: peace, justice, reconciliation, honesty, authenticity, truthfulness, persistence, love, compassion, equity, unity, openness, hospitality, perseverance, generosity, acceptance, inclusiveness, forgiveness, grace, mercy, resilience, kindness, patience, integrity, humility, endurance, balance, and wholeness. We acknowledge that the spiritual journey is a lifetime of progress in and not perfection of these practices.
Our Creed
Gathered together as the people of Liberating Spirit Christian Community we profess our belief in the Creator who is more than our words can convey or contain. A God who loves us so much that we are worthy to claim we have been created in the likeness of the Divine image. We have come to know our God in the person, practice and teachings of Jesus Christ where there is no division by race, class, culture, gender or sexual orientation. We believe in a compassionate God who calls for peace and justice; a God who is faithful to forgive endlessly and love patiently. We believe in the Holy Spirit of God who does not abandon but shares each breath and every moment with us. We are grateful for a God who feels our deepest pain and holds onto all our tears when we cry. A God who celebrates the delight in our heart as we dance for joy. We believe in the Triune God, the Creator, the Liberator and the Advocate. Amen!
Our Spiritual Beliefs
We are a Christian community reconciled to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and empowered by the Holy Spirit for spiritual formation and renewal and called to the ministries of hospitality, reconciliation, recovery, peace and justice. We see ourselves as a Christian community within the global Christian community seeking the unification of the entire Church universal. Therefore, we seek the grace of God in all things. We celebrate unity in the essential teachings of Christianity found in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. We celebrate liberty and acceptance of multiple perspectives on numerous issues especially when there is a variety of diverse views. We lament that within Christianity the Church has split into many different denominations. We believe the Church united is better than the Church divided and thus seek unity within Christianity between Eastern, Western and Protestant understandings of Christianity. We believe it is the desire of the Holy Spirit to become one holy universal Church.
We acknowledge the influence of all ecumenical councils of both Eastern, Western and Protestant Christianity first beginning in 325 A.D. and continuing into this 21st century. These ecumenical councils thought about and wrestled with the same theological and philosophical questions that we continue to wonder and wrestle with today. It is in this theological and philosophical practice of wrestling and wonder that we are inspired by an open theological and philosophical dialogue about God, the cosmos, creation, humanity, history, tradition, and the Bible.
While we practice the Christian faith and traditions we recognize that we are not alone in our spiritual quest. We accept and acknowledge that we live in a pluralistic world with vastly different religious expressions and traditions. We also believe that we can learn from the diversity of the world’s religious traditions, philosophies and practices while still embracing the various and unique particularities of Christianity.
We confess, lament and turn from our own brokenness and the harm we have caused to ourselves, others and to God. We reject the spiritual forces of wickedness in all of its forms… racism, sexism, homophobia, arrogance, hatred, intolerance, violence, oppression, fundamentalism, extremism, dogmatism, imperialism, and colonialism.
Gathered together as the people of Liberating Spirit Christian Community we profess our belief in the Creator who is more than our words can convey or contain. A God who loves us so much that we are worthy to claim we have been created in the likeness of the Divine image. We have come to know our God in the person, practice and teachings of Jesus Christ where there is no division by race, class, culture, gender or sexual orientation. We believe in a compassionate God who calls for peace and justice; a God who is faithful to forgive endlessly and love patiently. We believe in the Holy Spirit of God who does not abandon but shares each breath and every moment with us. We are grateful for a God who feels our deepest pain and holds onto all our tears when we cry. A God who celebrates the delight in our heart as we dance for joy. We believe in the Triune God, the Creator, the Liberator and the Advocate. Amen!
Our Spiritual Beliefs
We are a Christian community reconciled to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and empowered by the Holy Spirit for spiritual formation and renewal and called to the ministries of hospitality, reconciliation, recovery, peace and justice. We see ourselves as a Christian community within the global Christian community seeking the unification of the entire Church universal. Therefore, we seek the grace of God in all things. We celebrate unity in the essential teachings of Christianity found in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. We celebrate liberty and acceptance of multiple perspectives on numerous issues especially when there is a variety of diverse views. We lament that within Christianity the Church has split into many different denominations. We believe the Church united is better than the Church divided and thus seek unity within Christianity between Eastern, Western and Protestant understandings of Christianity. We believe it is the desire of the Holy Spirit to become one holy universal Church.
We acknowledge the influence of all ecumenical councils of both Eastern, Western and Protestant Christianity first beginning in 325 A.D. and continuing into this 21st century. These ecumenical councils thought about and wrestled with the same theological and philosophical questions that we continue to wonder and wrestle with today. It is in this theological and philosophical practice of wrestling and wonder that we are inspired by an open theological and philosophical dialogue about God, the cosmos, creation, humanity, history, tradition, and the Bible.
While we practice the Christian faith and traditions we recognize that we are not alone in our spiritual quest. We accept and acknowledge that we live in a pluralistic world with vastly different religious expressions and traditions. We also believe that we can learn from the diversity of the world’s religious traditions, philosophies and practices while still embracing the various and unique particularities of Christianity.
We confess, lament and turn from our own brokenness and the harm we have caused to ourselves, others and to God. We reject the spiritual forces of wickedness in all of its forms… racism, sexism, homophobia, arrogance, hatred, intolerance, violence, oppression, fundamentalism, extremism, dogmatism, imperialism, and colonialism.